First Post in this series: SQL Advent Calendar 2013-Day 1- Placeholders in SQL Prompt Snippets
As I was hanging our family Advent Calendar up, I thought I would make one for you, my readers. I’ll be sharing my scripts from two of my favorite products as well as tips on how to create your own.
Oops, I missed one.
I try to remember to add definitions as I create my tables so that I don’t forget later, but sometimes I miss one…especially definitions for attributes. Here is a great macro for ER/Studio Data Architect to find all the Entities and Attributes that are missing definitions. It even has a feature to colorize the tables that are missing definitions. I call it Verify Definitions For Selected Objects.
Note: Right now it only provides definitions for Entities and Attributes. I am happy to expand it if you need the other objects. |
Option Explicit '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' PURPOSE: Creates a list of Entities and Attributes that are missing ' definitions. ' Author: Mickey Stuewe ' Date: 9/7/2013 '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Main 'Defines the dialog box Begin Dialog UserDialog 680,322,"Verify Definitions for All Objects", .MyDialogAction Text 20,7,360,14,"Entities and Attributes that need Definitions",.Text1 TextBox 20,28,500,287,.txtList,1 PushButton 540,28,130,21,"Check",.CheckForDefinitions OKButton 540,49,130,21 CheckBox 540,84,130,14,"Colorize Entities",.chkColor End Dialog Dim dlg As UserDialog 'Calls the dialogbox Dialog dlg, -2 End Sub Sub CheckForDefinitions() Dim objDiagram As Diagram Dim objModel As Model Dim objSubModel As SubModel Dim objSelObject As SelectedObject Dim objEntity As Entity Dim objAttr As AttributeObj Set objDiagram = DiagramManager.ActiveDiagram Set objModel = objDiagram.ActiveModel Set objSubModel = objModel.ActiveSubModel 'Clears list DlgText("txtList","") ' Iterate through all the selected objects in the current ' model. For Each objSelObject In objSubModel.SelectedObjects Select Case objSelObject.Type Case 1 'Entity If objModel.Entities(objSelObject.ID).Definition = "" Then Call AddToList("Entity", objModel.Entities(objSelObject.ID).Owner & "." & objModel.Entities(objSelObject.ID).EntityName) If DlgValue("chkColor") = 1 Then objSubModel.EntityDisplays.Item(objModel.Entities(objSelObject.ID).TableName).BackgroundColor = RGB(243,222,248) End If End If For Each objAttr In objModel.Entities(objSelObject.ID).Attributes If objAttr.Definition = "" Then Call AddToList("Attrib", objModel.Entities(objSelObject.ID).Owner & "." & objModel.Entities(objSelObject.ID).EntityName & "." & objAttr.AttributeName) If DlgValue("chkColor") = 1 Then objSubModel.EntityDisplays.Item(objModel.Entities(objSelObject.ID).TableName).BackgroundColor = RGB(243,222,248) End If End If Next Case 16 'View MsgBox "It's time to write code for looking at Definitions for Views." Case 54 'Function MsgBox "It's time to write code for looking at Definitions for Functions." End Select Next objSelObject End Sub Sub AddToList(strObject As String, strObjectName As String) 'Adds Entity or Attribute to list. DlgText("txtList",DlgText("txtList") & strObject & ": " & strObjectName & vbCrLf ) End Sub 'This is called for all actions in the dialog box. I will be traping for the button being clicked. Private Function MyDialogAction(DlgItem As String, Action As Integer, SuppValue&) As Boolean If Action = 2 Then ' Value changing or button pressed Rem MyDialogFunc = True ' Prevent button press from closing the dialog box If DlgItem = "CheckForDefinitions" Then CheckForDefinitions MyDialogAction = True Else MyDialogAction = False End If End If End Function
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