Catching Up With Mickey

IMG_0555I can’t believe the year is almost half way through. I keep trying to slow the days down, but it just isn’t working. This year I’ve already accomplished so much, and I still have a long list before the year ends. Here is a recap and some events to look forward too!


I started the year off with a bang by starting a brand new Business Intelligence chapter in Irvine called Business Intelligence Group, A PASS Community (AKA BIG PASS Community). We consistently have 15 people every month and I’m really happy to announce that I have speakers lined up for the rest of the year! (Yippee!)

I also had the opportunity to participate in Pragmatic Work’s Training on the T’s. This is a free webinar series they have every Tuesday and Thursday.  I was able to present my Scalable SSRS Reports Achieved Through the Powerful Tablix presentation. You can still go to their website and view it.

I also had the honor of presenting remotely to the LA SQL UG for their 10th anniversary!


This month was spent writing abstracts for the year…and still understanding my new user group. I was also being courted for what became my new job. You can read about it here.


March was extra special. I had the opportunity to present at the Silicon Valley SQL Saturday. It was extra special, because it marked my 1 year anniversary for speaking in the SQL community. I also had my largest class to date! 97 people! Here was my favorite tweet of the day too. (Thanks Glenn!)


This month was full of meetings for our local Huntington Beach SQL Saturday that I helped host at the end of April. It was great having SQL Family come out to my neck of the woods beach.


I didn’t speak anywhere this month, but I did spend time every weekend writing. (Actually, I write every month.) I really enjoy participating in the T-SQL Tuesday Blog Parties, writing for myself, and participating in #SQLCoOp with my friends Julie, Chris, and Jeffrey.


And here we are in June, where I decided I would do EVERYTHING. I’m writing, speaking, leading, writing, and participating in #SQLHangout. Oh, and I’m getting my first dog. (More on her in a moment.)

My friend Boris Hristov (b|t|f), from Bulgaria, invited me to participate in an “episode” of SQL Hangout. We hung out in our two countries with 10 time zones between us and chatted about data types. You might not think this is an exciting topic, but it is a cornerstone to all databases. We came up with some great reasons why all database professionals should care about the data types of every field in their tables. So grab some popcorn or a glass of whiskey and hang out with us for half an hour.


You can find out about up and coming SQL Hangouts by following #SQLHangout on twitter, and you can find the full list of recorded SQL Hangouts here.

This month, I’ve also been blessed with a co-leader for my (now our) BI user group. His name is Rob Hatton, and I’m really happy he asked to lead the group with me.

I also had the opportunity this month to drive out to Riverside to speak with the Inland Empire User Group. This is the third time they’ve had me present, but the first time I’ve actually presented in person. Riverside is not a quick drive from where I live, but my boss, Steven was happy to be a carpool buddy for me. It ended up being a perfect presentation for him to hear, since it was on source controlling your SQL scripts with Red Gates’ SQL Source Control.

Now we get to look into the future…

2014-06-15 22.26.14Well, not to far into the future. Tomorrow (Wednesday) I’m heading out to Kentucky for a week. One of the events on my vacation will be speaking at SQL Saturday #286, Louisville. I’m really looking forward to the event since I enjoyed it so much last year. My husband and I are also going whiskey tasting with friends, we’ll hopefully be visiting the Corvette factory, and we’ll be picking up this adorable Labradoodle puppy who we’ve named Lucy. She will be 10 weeks old, and I can’t wait to hold her.

Here is a list of other events that I’ll be speaking at this year. You can also go to my 2014 Speaking Engagements page for an updated list through out the rest of the year.

I’ve applied to a few other events, but the accepted speaker lists have not been sent out for those events yet.

I’ll also be attending PASS Summit 2014 in Seattle in Nov this year. I hope to see all of you there.

Data Models, SQL Server, SQLite, and PowerShell

The Fourth Mission

In this installment of SQLCoOp, we are sharing our views on something we’ve learned this month. While I learned quite a bit this month in order to create a new SQLite Database with test data that mapped back to my SQL Server database, I will limit this post to how my first PowerShell script aided me in creating a new SQLite Database from Embarcadero’s ER/Studio Data Architect.


The Project

I’ve been working on a project recently where we have a SQL Server backend on our server and SQLite databases on our client machines. The two databases have quite a few tables in common, but the two database platforms don’t share the same toolsets. Here are the hurdles I had to overcome.

  1. The SQL language that SQLite uses is similar to T-SQL, but not the same. This means scripting tables, constraints, and other SQL objects are slightly different.
  2. I use Embarcadero’s ER/Studio Data Architect (DA) to do all of my data modeling, but there isn’t a driver that will work with DA to compare my database model to a SQLite database so that I can keep them in sync.
  3. I needed to create test data in both databases, but I don’t have an environment where the databases can coexist so that I can write the proper insert scripts.

In this post, I’ll focus on the first two hurdles. The third hurdle was solved using Red Gate’s SQL DataGenerator, Python, and SSIS. I will save this story for another time since it is worthy of a blog post all on its own.

Hurdle 1: Understanding SQLite

The first thing I had to learn was the ins and outs of SQLite. I acquired a great book, Using SQLite and started reading. I also searched the depths of the internet. What I found was that SQLite likes to store almost everything as integer, numeric, and text, BUT there are data types that we are familiar with like varchar, datetime, etc. They just get “interpreted” as integers, numeric, and text depending on what the data types are. This is a good reference for understanding how the more familiar data types are actually stored in the SQLite database.

When I was first learning about SQLite, I mistook the storage classes as actual data types. I thought SQLite was going to use a type of implicit conversion, but SQLite is not the same as SQL Server. There is also a big benefit to using the more familiar data types instead of sticking to the storage classes that SQLite uses. The benefit has to do with the ADO.NET class and making life easier for your application developer who has to take data from SQL Server and get it into SQLite.

NOTE: You REALLY need to understand how dates work in SQLite. Depending on how the date and time are stored in the underlying database (string, integer, numeric) will determine what “zero” is equivalent to. Read this to find out more.

Hurdle 2: Creating SQL Scripts for Schema Changes From ONE Environment

There are several software packages out in the world that will allow you to get visual data models of SQLite tables, but I already use Embarcadero’s ER/Studio Data Architect (DA) and I didn’t want to learn another one. I also didn’t want to have my SQL Server data models in one software package and my SQLite data models in a different one. So I had to figure out how to get around this hurdle…and I used PowerShell to do it.

The first thing I did, was to create my data models. My first SQLite data model was based on my initial research which implied I should store all my data in integer and text data types since that is what the engine will be using to store the data. This was a poor assumption on my part. Since I had both my SQL Server and my SQLite database models in DA, I was able to easily update my data types in my SQLite database with their SQL Server counter parts. I did have to inspect each field manually since not all attributes were the same between the two databases. For instance, I have to use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP instead of getdate() and I had to model auto incrementing columns differently.

Note: This is a sample database


SQL Server database


First iteration of my SQLite database

NOTE: I was able to use the Compare and Merge Utility by selecting the option to compare against another model.




Second iteration of my SQLite database

Making a SQLite Script from ER/Studio Data Architect

Before we go down this rabbit hole, there is another piece of information that you need to know about SQLite. You can’t add foreign key constraints after the table is created. This is very frustrating for me since I know of some existing tables that need foreign key constraints and it will be a bigger task than it would be in SQL Server to get foreign key constraints applied. For this project, it means I need to script the foreign keys as well as the primary keys in the table creation script.

There are two operations that need to be done in order to generate a SQLite script from DA. The first is to use the Generate Database Wizard to generate a whole database instead of using the Compare and Merge Utility to compare the database model with the actual database. This operation is outlined below in steps 1 though 6. The second operation is to use a simple PowerShell script to make the necessary changes to the script so that it will no longer be a T-SQL script made to run in SQL Server, but a SQL script ready to run in SQLite. This is outlined in step 7 below.

Here are the steps you’ll need to do:

Step 1

Make sure that all auto incrementing fields are not set up as primary keys in the database model. The reason for this, is all auto incrementing fields are primary keys, so the syntax for creating an auto incrementing field is very specific.

Take a look at the EmployeeAward table in DM SQLite above. It is setup as an identity column, but not as a primary key. In order for me to have a visual cue that the field is a primary key, I used an object called a Domain. Domains are templates that can be used throughout the database model so that data types, defaults, and even definitions remain consistent and can easily be changed throughout an entire database model or across all database models if the Repository feature of DA is being used.

Step 2

Right click the physical model that you will be working with, and select Generate Database. You will be walked through a wizard. At the end you are going to want to save your settings so that you don’t have to select them again.


Step 3

On Page 1 of the wizard, you can create individual scripts or a single long script. I’ve been doing both so that I can select a single table later on if I need to regenerate it. You will also need to select the folder that you would like the scripts to be created in. I created 3 folders for my project.

  • MultiScripts (This will hold scripts for each object separately)
  • SingleScript (This will hold a single script that contains all the objects.)
  • Standardize (This holds the PowerShell script called StandardizeSQL.ps1 which will be explained in step 7.)
Step 3

I don’t do anything on page 2 of the wizard since this script will not run in SQL Server.

Step 4

Page 3 of the wizard is where the fun starts. Set the following options for the tables you want to include in the script. These options are found on the General Options tab. All the other tabs don’t need to have their options modified…unless you used features like sparse columns that can’t be used in SQLite. Then you might need to fiddle with some of the other settings.



Step 5

Save your settings on page 4 of the wizard so that you can quickly run through the wizard next time.

Step 6

If you are asked to open your newly created script, then say no. We’re not done yet.

Step 7

Run the following PowerShell script. You can do this by right clicking the file containing the PowerShell script and selecting Run with PowerShell. Note: The ability to run PowerShell scripts needs to be enabled first.

The script will go through all the *.sql files in the indicated folder and change the T-SQL specific syntax to the SQLite syntax. Here are the syntactical changes.

  • Int will be changed to integer.
  • Identity columns will be changed to primary key autoincrement columns.
  • The words nonclustered and clustered will be removed from primary and foreign key constraints since all indexes are nonclustered and those keywords are not supported in SQLite.

Before you run the script below, you’ll need to change the path to your scripts on line 8.

Note: there is a space before the asterisk on line 8 and there are spaces on either side of “int” on line 12.

# To Run this in the Powershell it would be written as ./StandardizeSQL.ps1
# Note: nonclustered needs to come before clustered since clustered is in the word nonclustered.

$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell -ErrorAction Stop

$configFiles=get-childitem -Recurse C:\SQLiteScripts *.sql

foreach ($file in $configFiles)
(Get-Content $file.PSPath) |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace " int ", " integer "} |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "IDENTITY\(1,1\)", "PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"} |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "nonclustered", ""} |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "clustered", ""} |
Set-Content $file.PSPath


$wshell.Popup("Success! And there was much rejoicing!", 0,"Done.",64)

$wshell.Popup($_.Exception.Message,0, "Oops! An error occurred.",48)

After you are done running the PowerShell script, you’ll have a SQLite script that you can run in your favorite SQLite querying tool.

Here is the before and after scripts for two of the tables from my example.

EmployeeID int NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
isActive bit DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
ModifiedDTS datetime NULL,

CREATE TABLE EmployeeAward(
EmployeeAwardID int IDENTITY(1,1),
EmployeeID int NOT NULL,
AwardName varchar(100) NOT NULL,
AwardDate datetime NULL,
CONSTRAINT FK_EmployeeAward_Employee FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeID)
REFERENCES Employee(EmployeeID)


EmployeeID integer NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
isActive bit DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
ModifiedDTS datetime NULL,

CREATE TABLE EmployeeAward(
EmployeeID integer NOT NULL,
AwardName varchar(100) NOT NULL,
AwardDate datetime NULL,
CONSTRAINT FK_EmployeeAward_Employee FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeID)
REFERENCES Employee(EmployeeID)


Don’t Stop Yet

If you want to read more about the newly released SQL Search, don’t forget to check out these blog posts:

To follow our quest for SQL knowledge through this collaborative project, follow the #SQLCoOp tag on Twitter.

See you next time!!

On a SQL Collaboration Quest

Four SQL professionals gathered from the four corners of the world to share their SQL knowledge with each other and with their readers: Mickey Stuewe from California, USA, Chris Yates from Kentucky, USA, Julie Koesmarno from Canberra, Australia, and Jeffrey Verheul from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. They invite you to join them on their quest as they ask each other questions and seek out the answers in this collaborative blog series. Along the way, they will also include other SQL professionals to join in the collaboration.

Original Post: On a SQL Collaboration Quest

T-SQL Tuesday #54 – How LinkedIn and Red Gate Landed Me My Job

My friend Boris Hristov (b|t) is hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday blog party. The party was started by Adam Machanic (b|t) in December of 2009. This month’s invitation is on the topic of interviewing and hiring. This happens to be an apropos topic for me, since I have a new job.

It was a dark and stormy night…

OK, it was 8:30 am on a Monday morning and it was a beautiful January morning. It is Southern California after all…

I was checking my email like I always do after I get my morning coffee. There was yet another LinkedIn request. I’ve gotten to the point in my career where I’m picky about who I connect with. Basically, I always keep my LinkedIn account up to date, I’ve stopped connecting with people whom I couldn’t possibly help because our professions are so different, and I don’t connect with recruiters unless they are on my good side. This particular LinkedIn request was from a CEO named Richard at a company called DeskSite. Little did I know it would change my professional life.

A String of Events

Let’s step back a few days. I was already at a relatively new job. I had been there for six months, but I had also been frustrated. It was not the position I was expecting. I decided to pray about it the whole weekend and figure out if I wanted to start interviewing again or if I wanted to stick it out for another six months. By Monday I had decided to start looking.

So, we’re back to the LinkedIn request sitting in my email box on a Monday morning asking if I want to connect. Normally I would have said no. “He’s a CEO. He’s not a SQL person. We have no common connection.”, I would tell myself. But I was in a good mood. I thought, “Sure. Why not.”

Within an hour, I had an email from Richard, and it said:
Hey, we’re looking for a Database Architect. I was wondering if you could spend 10 minutes on the phone with me to see if you could help us find one.

I happen to be a chapter leader of a local BI user group called BIG PASS Community. While our group is BI focused, I know we have database professionals that cover the board, so I agreed to speak with him to see if I could find a match.

Side Story: I went down to my car to speak with Richard so that my colleagues wouldn’t know. I didn’t want them to think I was looking for a new job. Unfortunately, I have a blue tooth speaker at my desk and it was close enough to my car that my phone started transmitting through it. (Face Palm) So, I had to move my car. Problem solved.

Richard painted a picture for me of his startup company, DeskSite. He then told me where it currently stood technically and where he wanted to take it over the next three years. He then asked if I knew anyone who might be interested in joining his team or if he could possibly lure me away from my current company.

I kind of stumbled over my words, “I…I’m available. I just decided…literally, this weekend to start looking for a new position.” I cannot tell you how happy I made him. By time we got off the phone, DSC_3187I had an in-person interview scheduled for the next night at their office.

Side Story: When Richard called to verify that I could still make it, he told me that he had seen my SQL earrings that I wore in one of my Avatars. He loved them! So I wore them to the interview.

When I arrived at their office, I was greeted with a lot of enthusiasm. They were so happy to meet me. You see, they had Googled me. They knew that I’m heavily involved in the PASS Community. They had even seen the YouTube video that Red Gate published of me speaking at one of their SQL in the City events in 2013. They absolutely loved my enthusiasm and my obsession with SQL. They had already decided they wanted me on their team. They just had to convince me that I wanted to be on their team.  (You see, I was at a startup when the dot com bubble burst. It makes me leery of startups.)

My half hour interview ended up being three hours. At some point I was offered a job. Richard then wanted to know what it would take to have me on his team. Normally I don’t bring up the fact I like to speak and attend conferences in the first interview, but I’m also not normally sought after. So I asked if they would send me to conferences. Richard didn’t even blink. He gave me an allotment of days AND a budget. Wow. I did tell him I needed it in writing. I learned the hard way by taking something like that on good faith.

I was not prepared to have left with a verbal offer in hand. I was definitely thinking this offer was too good to be true. So like a good data professional, I started researching.

Over the next week or so, I asked many of my SQL friends what they thought. I sent Richard quite a few questions about the position, the company, the stock options, the offer, and even the culture of the company. (If you have never worked at a startup, they are VERY different than a mid-size or larger company.) I also made two more visits to their office.

The first trip was at lunch. You see, Richard’s ideal company is more like a family and families eat together. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a people person. I despise eating by myself. It depresses me. Now that I have a Kindle, I have gotten more used to it, but I still prefer to eat with people. The bottom line is, I loved the culture of the company and Richard was one step closer to getting me on his team.

The second trip was a technical trip. They wanted me to meet with one of the consultants they use, to make sure I knew what I said I knew, and to talk deeper about the technical environment I would be working in. This one hour interview ended up being three hours. I think the technical part was only an hour, the other two hours was about the company… And my acceptance of their offer. (Aaacckkkk!)

Side note. I don’t do anything without talking to my awesome husband. I did take a bathroom break and talked to him on the phone for a bit and he was completely supportive of me taking the position.

The money dance

This is the part that has always been hard for me. Making sure I get paid fairly. I was asked what I wanted for a salary. I spent several hours researching what my salary should be. I have a wonderful friend who I got to talk real numbers with. I knew that I had been undervalued 2 jobs ago, but that had to do with the growth I experienced at that company. I grew professionally so fast when I first got involved with PASS that my salary soon became disproportionate to my knowledge, but because of red tape, my salary could not be fixed.

Anyhow, I finally came up with a number and sent it in. They made me an offer based on that number. It was made up of cash and options in the company. Unfortunately the cash portion was much too low. I was crest fallen. I know I could make a lot of money when the company goes public, and I really do think it will, but I have a daughter who will be heading to college in two years. I can’t risk her education or her younger sister’s education.

So what did I do? I talked to my friend who was also crest fallen for me. He offered some great advice and helped me devise a counter offer. I thought for sure it wouldn’t happen.  A week went by with no word. I prepared to start interviewing with other companies.

Then the clouds broke

I then received an email apologizing for the delay. They were in the processes of acquiring a larger office space do to the growth of the company and it had taken up much of their time. They really wanted me on their team. They understood my financial needs, but they had to discuss my counter offer.

In the end we came to an agreement and I became a member of an amazing team. I have been at DeskSite for a month and a half as of this writing. I’m very excited about the challenges ahead of me and I’m happy about being part of an amazing team.

So you see, I owe my awesome job to LinkedIn and Red Gate. I suppose Google should be added to the list since it was used to find my SQL in The City video on YouTube. So, YouTube should be added to the list as well……………

Thanks for all the fish

Thanks go out to Boris Hristov for hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday blog party. I always love and appreciate Boris’ enthusiasm about participating in T-SQL Tuesday, so please visit his website at

New and Improved SQL Search By Red Gate


The Third Mission

In this installment of SQLCoOp, we are sharing our views on the newly released SQL Search 2.0 product by Red Gate. This amazing product is free to the public and can be downloaded here.



SQL Search is one of those amazing products that you just can’t believe they give away. While I always find it useful, I found it the most useful this year when I was getting to know a new (to me) database. Why? Because I could quickly and easily search all the databases for particular keywords. Below I’ve included some of my favorite Use Cases for using SQL Search.

Use Case 1: Where did I leave my TODO list?

One of the things I love to do is leave notes for myself in my SQL objects, but I’m not always good at remembering where those notes are. With SQL Search, I can find them easily by searching for the keyword TODO. Now I can go a step further and look for all the TODO’s that ALSO have my name.


I do this by using the AND operator to search for the two keywords todo and mstuewe. There are some special rules to note.

1. AND and it’s counter part OR are both case sensitive.

2. You can only use one at a time. I can have todo AND mtuewe AND 2014, but  I can’t have todo AND (mstuewe OR mickey). (Maybe in a future version – hint, hint.)



Use Case 2: How many databases do I need to look through?

George is new to the company and he needs to get to know how orders are stored in the database. He decides to use SQL Search to look at all the tables that have Order in their name. He is a bit shocked when he find out that there are hundreds of databases on the server and he is not sure which ones he should start with. George, luckily got some help from one of his co-workers Sarah. She told him he should start with three specific databases.


In previous versions of SQL Search, you could look through one database or all the databases. This could lead to a very long list of values if you have quite a few databases on your server. This is now a problem of the past. (And there was much rejoicing.)  Now you have the option of selecting only the database you are interested. You can even select the system tables which are all listed at the bottom  of the pull down window.




Use Case 3: Rolling the dice for a job.

imageLiz needs to find all the SQL objects that use the SalesOrder  table, but she isn’t interested in searching through tables and views. She does, however want to search through all the jobs first, and then she’ll take a look at triggers, stored procedures and functions.


I found this next new feature a huge bonus. Jobs are not something I’m looking through often, but now I have a way to search through them without any trouble. Simply, select Jobs.


I’m also very happy to be able to select ONLY the database objects I want to search through. For me this means I can ignore tables and views. (Yippee!)

Use Case 4: Getting to know your neighbors.

There have been some implicit conversion problems with some of the date fields in the database. Sarah has been tasked to verify that all fields that end in “DTS” are actually datetime data types and not date data types.


Red Gate has added the ability to see table definitions in the results pane. It’s a simple view of the table structure, but it beats having to go back to the Object Explorer to see the entire table structure. Now when you’re researching field data types, you can do it quickly and efficiently.



Bonus Tips

Here are a few bonus tips that make SQL Search even more useful:

1. You can highlight all the rows in the grid, copy it, and paste it directly into Excel for further reference. This can be very helpful if you are changing all the objects in the list and you want to keep track of the original list. (This isn’t a new feature, but it is an awesome one to know about.)

2. They have improved the indexing of the database objects. This is GREAT  news. In the past, if you were expecting a modified object to appear on the list and it didn’t, you would have to close SSMS and restart it in order for the SQL objects to be properly re-indexed. You no longer need to do that. Just go to the Index menu item, and select Reindex.

3. Each of the columns in the grid can be sorted. This can be very handy if you want to deal with all the tables at one time, or a particular schema first.



Don’t Stop Yet

If you want to read more about the newly released SQL Search, don’t forget to check out these blog posts:


See you next time!!


On a SQL Collaboration Quest

Four SQL professionals gathered from the four corners of the world to share their SQL knowledge with each other and with their readers: Mickey Stuewe from California, USA, Chris Yates from Kentucky, USA, Julie Koesmarno from Canberra, Australia, and Jeffrey Verheul from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. They invite you to join them on their quest as they ask each other questions and seek out the answers in this collaborative blog series. Along the way, they will also include other SQL professionals to join in the collaboration.


Original Post: On a SQL Collaboration Quest

A Date At The End of The Month

MCJJ_ALLFour SQL professionals gathered from the four corners of the world to share their SQL knowledge with each other and with their readers: Mickey Stuewe from California, USA, Chris Yates from Kentucky, USA, Julie Koesmarno from Canberra, Australia, and Jeffrey Verheul from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. They invite you to join them on their quest as they ask each other questions and seek out the answers in this collaborative blog series. Along the way, they will also include other SQL professionals to join in the collaboration.

The Second Mission

This month our team is tackling windows functions. My particular take on the subject is near and dear to my reporting heart. How to get date ranges based on full months.

End of the Month

Dates tend to be a critical component of most metrics. They define the boundaries of the data. They create groups of data that can help with trending patterns and forecasting. The downside has always been the slicing and dicing of the date. For instance, if you need to group all the data by the last day of the month. You need to create an equation like this to determine the last day of the month:

DATEADD(day, -1, CONVERT(date, CONVERT(varchar(2), DATEPART(MONTH, DATEADD(month, 1, SomeDate))) + ‘-01-‘ + CONVERT(varchar(4), DATEPART(year, DATEADD(month, 1, SomeDate)))))

Or this:


In SQL2012 the EOMONTH() windows function was introduced. Now you just need to type this:


Performance Perks

Not only are you able to write a simpler equation that is easier to maintain and understand, but you get  some performance perks too.

I ran a query using both the “old way” and the “windows function way”  against a table I created with a million rows of data. The data set returns 561 rows of aggregated data. I aggregated all the data by using the last day of the month. I then looked at the execution plans and the statistics for these queries.

     DATEADD(day, -1, CONVERT(date, CONVERT(varchar(2), DATEPART(MONTH, DATEADD(month, 1, SomeDate))) + '-01-' + 
          CONVERT(varchar(4), DATEPART(year, DATEADD(month, 1, SomeDate)))))
     DemoProgramming.dbo.TestData AS td
     DATEADD(day, -1, CONVERT(date, CONVERT(varchar(2), DATEPART(MONTH, DATEADD(month, 1, SomeDate))) + '-01-' + 
          CONVERT(varchar(4), DATEPART(year, DATEADD(month, 1, SomeDate)))))
     DATEADD(day, -1, CONVERT(date, CONVERT(varchar(2), DATEPART(MONTH, DATEADD(month, 1, SomeDate))) + '-01-' + 
          CONVERT(varchar(4), DATEPART(year, DATEADD(month, 1, SomeDate)))))

     DemoProgramming.dbo.TestData AS td


1. When breaking up a date to reconstruct it, you need to go back and forth between data types. The optimizer isn’t very fond of that. In fact you get a warning about the possibility of your cardinality being questionable. The EOMONTH() windows function doesn’t have this problem.




2. The EOMONTH() windows function takes less CPU and can return values faster. For this particular execution, I received a 5.25 times faster CPU time and 3.5 times faster execution time.

I used the following code to turn on Statistics:




But Wait! There’s More

This particular function has an additional (optional) parameter. The parameter will allow you to add/subtract months from the end of the month. Which means you can easily find the beginning of the month using this equation:


This also allows you to easily create a one year range for the last 12 full months using these two equations:

Outside the Box

You are probably telling yourself that you can do everything I just showed you by grouping data by the Month() function. Yes, that is true, but you need to think outside the box for the application. What about those wonderful companies who think Months are not contstrained by Day 1 and Day 31? (You know who you are. They have business rules like, “the 5th day of the month”. Ah! Now we got something we can work with.


Don’t Stop Yet

If you want to read more about Windows Functions, don’t forget to check out these blog posts:

To follow our quest for SQL knowledge through this collaborative project, follow the #SQLCoOp tag on Twitter.

See you next month!!

Original Post: On a SQL Collaboration Quest

On a SQL Quest Using SQL Search by Red Gate


Four SQL professionals gathered from the four corners of the world to share their SQL knowledge with each other and with their readers: Mickey Stuewe from California, USA, Chris Yates from Kentucky, USA, Julie Koesmarno from Canberra – Australia, and Jeffrey Verheul from Rotterdam – The Netherlands. They invite you to join them on their quest as they ask each other questions and seek out the answers in this collaborative blog series. Along the way, they will also include other SQL professionals to join in the collaboration.

Original Post: On a SQL Collaboration Quest 

The First Mission

For our first collaborative entry in this blog series, we have chosen to investigate Red Gate’s FREE tool, SQL Search. The question we posed to each other was: What is the purpose of Red Gate’s SQL Search and how do you use it in your daily work life?

The Search Begins

Right now I’m in retro-fit mode at work. I have an application that I recently inherited that needs a new feature. This requires me to add new columns to tables in the database(s), as well as find all the objects (Stored procedures, triggers, etc.) that reference the tables I need to modify to make sure they will still work and to add logic to support the new feature.

Red Gate has a whole suite of tools for me to use on my current adventure at work, but the tool I used the most this past week was their FREE tool, SQL Search. This tool will work with SQL 2005 and up.

Instead of writing about how to use SQL Search, I want to highlight some shortcut keystrokes that will improve the speed of using this awesome tool. Did I mention it is a FREE awesome tool?

The Task

I have a set of tables that I modified and I need to look at the code for all the objects that reference that set of tables to not only make sure they still worked properly, but to add code to support the new feature that was added. I’ll use the Adventureworks2008R2 database in my example below.

After I found the list of objects I needed to inspect, I did the following:

  1. Scripted out the object as an ALTER statement.
  2. Quickly searched for the table in the script (some of the scripts were 1000+ rows long).

Here is my favorite part

If you double-click one of the objects in the SQL Search list of found objects, that object will be found and selected in the in the Object Explorer. Unfortunately, if that object is a view, it takes several mouse clicks to get an ALTER script created, soooo

With the help of Mark Holmes (b|t), we figured out what the hot key combination is to script out the highlighted object as an ALTER statement. You ready? SHIFT  F10 + S+A+N. Yes, that is a lot of keys, but if you are like me, keystrokes are faster than mouse clicks.

Note: I remember it as SHIFT F10 + SAN

The CTRL + F shortcut will take you into the Find dialog box where you can search for the name within the script. If you had been searching  for the same value prior to this script, then F3 is your best friend and it will take you directly to the search term in the ALTER script.

But wait! There’s more

If you are a Red Gate junkie like myself and have SQL Prompt installed, then there is another shortcut you can add between SHIFT + F10 + SAN and F3.  If you use CTRL K + CTRL Y then you can have the alter script formatted to your taste. (aka, you can read it faster. Win!)

Note: I remember it as CTRL + KY


Scenario Time

So here is what it would look like if you were using the Adventureworks2008R2 database and looking for the Person table.

  1. Enter Person into the search field
  2. Select the “Exact Match” option. (Optional)
  3. Select the “All Objects” from the list of objects
  4. Select “All Databases” from the list of databases (The search term is automatically searched. Hitting ENTER is not required.)
  5. Click on one of the objects listed
  6. SHIFT  F10 + S + A + N to create an ALTER script
  7. CTRL K + CTRL Y to format it (this step requires SQL Prompt)
  8. CTRL  F to pull up the SSMS search window to search within the script
  9. Type in Person and click enter. You’ll be taken to the first instance of Person
  10. Use F3 to find the other instances of Person in the script

Now to look at a second script. You already have the list of objects, so you don’t have to search for them again.

  1. Click on one of the objects listed.
  2. SHIFT  F10 + S + A + N to create an ALTER script
  3. CTRL K + CTRL Y to format it (this step requires SQL Prompt)
  4. Use F3 to find the other instances of Person in the script

Repeat these four steps for each script you need to look at. Win!

Don’t Stop Yet

If you want to read more about SQL Search, don’t forget to check out these blog posts:

To follow our quest for SQL knowledge through this collaborative project, follow the #SQLCoOp tag on Twitter.

On a SQL Collaboration Quest

Announcer: Twelve SQL Professionals started on a quest.

Director: No, no. They were FOUR SQL Professionals.

Announcer: Four Professionals started on a quest to find the sequel to the Holy Grail.

Director: No, no. They were SQL Professionals and they were on a quest for knowledge.

Announcer: Oh, right, right.
Four SQL Professionals started on a quest for knowledge and not for the Holy Grail. All though it could be said, that knowledge is the ultimate Holy Grail and it is always sought by the wise. The four SQL Professionals, Mickey Stuewe, Chris YatesJeffrey Verheul, and Julie Koesmarno (MCJJ for short) gathered from the four corners of the world: California – USA, Kentucky  – USA, Rotterdam – The Netherlands, and Canberra – Australia to meet at a local Skype tavern to determine the direction they would take on their quest for knowledge, and not for the Holy Grail.

After much eating and drinking, they rejoiced (Yeah!!!!). They had found the path for salvation.

Director: No, no. They found the path for their quest of knowledge.

Announcer: Right, right.
After much more eating of chocolate and drinking of whiskey, they rejoiced (Yeeeaaah!!!). They had found their path for knowledge. They decided they would pose questions to each other and respond as a group through their blogs at,, and They decided they would also ask other SQL professionals they encountered along their way on their quest.

So now here, their quest begins at the Bridge of Death… (I hope they know the answers to the questions, or this collaborative series will be very short.)

BridgeBridgekeeper: Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he or she see.

Lady Mickey: Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper. I am not afraid.

Bridgekeeper: What… is your quest?

Lady Mickey: To seek knowledge about the SQL world and not to seek the Holy Grail.

Bridgekeeper: What… is your favorite color?

Lady Mickey: Red.

Bridgekeeper: What… is the purpose of Red Gate’s SQL Search and how do you use it in your daily work life?

Lady Mickey: Funny you should ask that. I have this post that I’m publishing tomorrow. In fact, we each have a unique answer to that question. ButYou’ll have to wait until 2pm GMT tomorrow.

Stay Tuned

Please visit the following links to see the unique views of my collaborators.

To follow our quest for SQL knowledge through this collaborative project, follow the #SQLCoOp tag on Twitter.

T-SQL Tuesday #51- Don’t Crap Out While Betting On Table Functions

My good friend Jason Brimhall (b|t) is hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday blog party. The party was started by Adam Machanic (b|t) in December of 2009. As a compliment to the upcoming debut of the Las Vegas SQL Saturday, Jason has taken up a betting theme. He wants to know our stories of when we bet it all on a risky solution and won or lost.

Instead of telling you about the past, I want to help you win big at the table today. I really don’t want you to crap out while betting on the wrong table functions.

Snake Eyes

There are two types of table functions Multi-line Table Functions and In-Line Table Functions. There is a huge difference between the two of them.

Multi-line table functions sound great. You write as much code as you need in them and they will return all the data in a table variable. This is where the weighted dice rolls snake eyes every single time. You see, the statistics for a table variable always, always says there is only one row in the table being returned. It doesn’t matter if there are a hundred, a thousand, or a million rows. The statistics will say one. Which means the optimizer has a good chance of loosing when it picks the execution plan for that query.

Let’s Take a Look at the Bets

For my example, I have a simple query that returns 43 rows out of a Tally table. Notice that the index estimates 43 rows will be returned, which is great, because that is exactly on the money!



If we put that same query inside of a multi-line table function, we get an estimated number of rows of 1 (snake eyes!).






Double Down

An in-line table function will return the same result set, but there are some limitations on its construction. The entire query within the in-line table function needs to be done in only one statement.

Note: You can get very creative with Common Table Expressions (CTE) if need be.

There are two benefits to using an in-line Table Function. One, is that the Estimated Number of Rows will be accurate (or as accurate as the statistics on the table), and two, the “inside” of the in-line table function is not masked in the Execution Plan. It is plopped right into the middle of the calling query. (Yes, “plopped” is a technical term. )





Last Call

SoRemember to double down on in-line table functions and don’t crap out on the snake eyes of the multi-line table function.

Thanks for all the fish

Thanks go out to Jason Brimhall for hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday blog party. Please visit his website at, or better yet come to Las Vegas for their SQL Saturday and thank him in person.

Questions and Answers for Pragmatic Work’s Presentation on the Tablix Control

ChalkBoardThursday, January 23rd I had the opportunity to present for Pragmatic Works as part of their “Training on the T’s” where they provide free one-hour training every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I gave my presentation entitled, Scalable SSRS Reports Achieved Through the Powerful Tablix. Below are the questions (and answers) that the attendees asked during my presentation.

View Presentation
Slide deck and demos downloads

Questions and Answers for Demo 1

Q: In the first presentation, the 1st tablix, do territory group and country region has the same datasets, meaning does country region have territory?

A: A tablix or a set of nested tablix can only use 1 dataset. My dataset joined several tables, two of which were Sales.SalesTerritory and PersonCountryRegion. (I’m using the Adventureworks2008R2 database.)
Here is how they are related:
cr.Name AS CountryRegion
,st.Name AS Territory
sales.SalesTerritory AS st
JOIN Person.CountryRegion AS cr ON st.CountryRegionCode = cr.CountryRegionCode

Q: When you add a Row Group with that new column that doesn’t let you merge with the other cells to the right… what you can do is split that column, and then you’ll be able to merge.

A: Yes. This is true, but you still can’t merge across the dotted lines that are introduced into the Matrix.

Q: I always supposed that group levels had to be to the left of the dashed line. But you showed that you can delete those columns/rows but keep the grouping. Does this have any effect on the data in the columns on the left or the right of the dashed line?

A: No, it does not. If the GUI asks If you want to delete only the row/column or the row/column and the group, make sure to indicate that you only want to delete the row/column. This will keep the group, which is what we were after.

Q: Did you have to create the row groups (lower left corner), or were they available dimensions?

A: I’m not sure about this question, please email me some more information so that I can answer the question better.


Questions and Answers for Demo 2

Q: Could you have added the expression on the image itself and not add the extra row?

A: Not for this technique. If I would have added the expression to the image to show/hide it, then it would have left “white space” where the image would normally go when the image was hidden. By repeating the row with a different layout, we can reclaim the ‘white space” for the comment field to use.

Questions and Answers for Demo 3

Q: For creating the Emp Phone list, is there a reason why you used a table and created the group as opposed to using a matrix? Thanks!

A: This is a great question. You can use either controls and end up with the same result. I had been demonstrating the matrix control in the other demos, so I wanted my viewers to see how you could start with a table. This becomes handy if they requirements of the layout change. It’s important that you know that you don’t have to start all over, but you can change one control into the other because all three controls (table, matrix, and list) are all based on the Tablix template.

Q: For you last demo where you had dynamic columns for phone numbers, what did you have to change in the detail row?

A: In the detail row, I had to change the detail row to a group. I did this by going into the Detail group properties and adding a group on BusinessEntityID. I then added Last Name, First Name, and BusinessEntitty ID as the fields to sort by. This step is needed because the employee names are repeated once for each address type and each phone number type.


General Questions and Answers

Q: How did you make your color palette?

A: This is a great question. Here are the steps.

    1. Add a table to a blank report that will become your template report
    2. Create a cell for each color in your color pallet.
    3. Change the dimensions of each cell to have a height of 0.15 and a width of 0.15.
    4. Change the background property of each cell to a different color in your color pallet.

Now you can make the other changes to the report to create a template report and save it in the template folder for BIDS/SSDT.

Q: How to avoid the columns getting merged on exporting to an excel

A: This is one of those questions that is helpful to also explain to all your end users since they ask the same question. The answer is not the best answer, but it is better than what we had 10 years ago. If you save your report as a CSV file, Excel will still automatically open it and the columns will not be merged. The downside is you lose charts and any formatting. The upside is the columns are no longer merged and the end user can use more functionality of Excel. They do need to be reminded that they will have to save it as an Excel file after opening it in order to save any formatting features that they have added to the file.

Q: Is there a way to fix the tablix to a set number of rows, and an exact amount of vertical space for the tablix? It seems that the tablix ‘reserves’ some additional space below the tablix which interferes when placing report items below the tablix.

A: This can be a challenging problem and it requires a lot of testing if different results set sizes to get the layout to work out the way you want. I will be creating a blog post soon on how to mimic a “fixed row” layout. You can contact me to get the the blog post early if you want.

I haven’t noticed the tablix control “reserving” space. To best figure out what is causing this extra white space do the following. Show the lines on the outside of the tablix and the control that you want to “butt up” against the tablix control You may find that the extra space is on the inside of the control instead of the outside of the control. A couple of properties to look at as are padding and Borderwidth. By changing them, you will reduce white space.

I have noticed that it can be difficult to drag and drop another control right up against another control. In those cases I do some math. By adding the Top and Height properties of the tablix you get the location of the end of the control. Then add 1 or 2 more to that value to have the Top value for the next control.

Q: Is there a way to link one tablix to multiple Datasets?

A: Unfortunately no, but there are some workarounds. There are a couple of functions that were introduced in 2008 R2 that will allow you to reference a value in another dataset, but it won’t allow you to show multiple values. A second way is to use a subreport within the tablix. I try to minimize this, since it can add ALOT of overhead. The third way, would be to create a larger dataset with repeating data that can be grouped. This is what I did in my third demo in order to create multiple addresses and multiple phone numbers for each employee. Again, you have to weigh the benefit of the technique against how much data will be used in the report.

Q: This is a great presentation. How can I get a copy of the RDLs, and the datasets?

A: You can go to my resource page to download the presentation and the demos. Pragmatics has the recording so that you can watch the presentation again. I’ve also provided the links at the top of this post.

Q: Will a transcript or summary of this demo be available for review?

A: You can go to my resource page to download the presentation and the demos. Pragmatics has the recording so that you can watch the presentation again. I’ve also provided the links at the top of this post.

Q: Will you be sharing your ‘Knowledge Based Document’ with us?

A: Unfortunately I can’t, because I don’t have references in it for code I found on the internet or in books. I will however be spending time writing short posts with tips this year, so keep an eye on my blog and on for posts.

 Q: Thanks – this was a great presentation.

A: Thank you. I’m glad everyone enjoyed it and that everyone had so many questions. 🙂

T-SQL Tuesday #50 – Automation Equates To Saved Time

SqlTuesday50Hemanth D (b|t) is hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday blog party. The party was started by Adam Machanic (b|t) in December of 2009 and we hit the 50th “episode” this month. Could this be coincidentaly occurring during the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who?? I think not…

Anyhow, the topic this month is automation.

I can play that in 3 notes

There used to be a game show called Name That Tune. A contestant had to underbid the other contestant on what the minimum number of (musical) notes they needed in order to recognize a piece of music. Automating tasks remind me of this game show. First, you automate step one, then step two. Each time you tweak it and tune your automated process, you’re seeing just how far you can go… and how little manual work you are left with.

The first step

I’m going to talk about automating the first step of creating an SSRS report. I’ll be working with SSRS 2012, but the steps are the same for 2008 and 2008R2. The only difference is WHERE you store the templates so that they can be easily leveraged. Since that is the last thing you do, you’ll have to wait for the end of this post. So, hold on to your Tardis, and let’s go!

The first thing you need to know, is what are all the common elements to all of your reports. Here is a list of the elements I found to be the same on my reports:TSQL Tuesday 50 - Image 1

  • The location of the title: While my title was different each time, the font, font color, font size, and location remained static. So I created a placeholder for my title.
  • The company logo: The company logo was static as well as its location.
  • The color scheme: Since I used the same five colors, I created a temporary “pallet” for my colors. This was a mini Tablix control, with each of the five cell’s background color set to a different color in my pallet. I left it on the report until I was done setting all the properties of the report, then I deleted the Tablix. (No more looking up the colors in my documentation. Win!)
  • The location of the parameters: I personally think that the parameters should always be displayed on the report. This helps when troubleshooting a paper/pdf copy of a report. It also lets the users know the boundaries of the data they are looking at. (Note: While not depicted in my image, I put my parameters under the logo.)
  • The company address: Static location.
  • The confidentiality notice: Static location.
  • The page numbers: Static location.
  • The report identifier: This is a special number that helps you identify your report. Mine always has three parts.
    • TX or DW to mark the report as having transactional or data warehouse based data. This allows me to speak intelligently about a report that someone shows me in a meeting, especially since our data warehouse data was always older than our transactional data.
    • A number that corresponded to the documentation for the report. In our case, it was the TFS (Team Foundation Server) number.
    • An iteration number. This iteration number was specific to how many times the report was re-introduced into production. This allowed me to verify that the user was looking at the latest copy of the report, and it allowed me to document how many times the owner had requested changes to the report.
Creating the templates

A template is an RDL file saved in the templates folder. I created three templates for my team. Each template was identical to the others, except for two things. The paper size and orientation. I needed to make different templates to accommodate these attributes so that the controls that were centered or right aligned ended up in the correct location for viewing and printing.

  • SSRS 2008(R2) Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ProjectItems\ReportProject
  • SSRS 2012 Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ProjectItems\ReportProject
But wait! There’s more

If you want to go a bit further with your templates, you can add a watermark that can be leveraged during development all the way through user acceptance testing. The watermark will then be suppressed in production. The watermark says DRAFT. I found it helped with certain end users, who were getting caught up in the data (even though it was fake) and they weren’t focusing on the design and algorithms present in the report.

Here are the steps to add the dynamic watermark:

  1. Create a table in the database that contains the name and ID of the environment you are in, plus a parameter that dictates whether to show or hide the watermark. Note: You can also use this table to point to development file locations for documents and development URLs referenced in your reports.
  2. Add an image to the background of the report body that says DRAFT.
  3. Set the Background Repeat property to Repeat
  4. Create a data source in the report that points to the environment table you created in step 1 (preferably through a stored procedure).
  5. Use the data source to hide or show the background image of the report.

If you use shared data sources, then add the data source to the template directory so that it can be added to new projects the same way report templates are.

There you have it! You just automated quite a few (initial) steps for creating SSRS reports.

Thanks for all the fish

Thanks go out to Hemanth for hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday blog party. Please visit his website at

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