Archive for August 20, 2014

SQL Server Data Transferred to a SQLite Database Using SSIS

The Sixth Mission

In this installment of SQLCoOp, we are writing about SSIS. For me, this happens to tie closely with my the June SQLCoOp post I wrote, called Data Models, SQL Server, SQLite, and PowerShell. In that post I walked through how to create a data model in ER/Studio Data Architect and have it end up in a SQLite database. In this post I’ll show how to use SSIS to get master data from a SQL Server database and insert it into a newly created SQLite database that can then be deployed with client applications.


The Project

I needed to create a consistent way of pre-populating an empty SQLite database to be used in new builds of our application, so I turned my development SSIS package that moved test data from SQL Server into the SQLite database into a production SSIS package that pre-populated master data into a SQLite database.

Before you get started trying this example out, make sure that you have an ODBC Driver for the flavor of SQLite that you are using installed on your computer. Here is a great resource for ODBC Drivers. After the installation is finished, setup an ODBC connection to the SQLite database that you’ll be populating.

Step One

The first step I did, was run a DELETE statement for each of the tables that I’ll be populating. This allowed me to not worry about the destination database being populated from last time I ran the package. I used an Execute SQL task for each table. I set the Connection property to my ODBC connection I created and I set the SQLStatement property to the corresponding DELETE Statement.




Step Two

For the next step I created a Data Flow task for each table. Inside each Data Flow task I created an ADO.Net Source and ADO.Net Destination tasks.

For each of the tables I wanted to populate, I created a unique stored procedure in a utility database called SSISMigration. This allowed me to customize the needs of each of the stored procedures without worrying about the needs of the applications using similar stored procedures in the source database.

I set the  ADO.Net Source connection to the SSISMigration database. I set the Data Access Mode to “SQL Command” and the SQL Command text to an execute statement such as “EXEC MSSL. GetAddressType”.

Side Note: If you want to pass a parameter to the stored procedure in a generic form, then check out the Expressions property of the parent Data Flow task.



For the ADO.Net Destination task, set the Connection Manager property and select the table that you would like to have populated. Then click on the Mappings menu item to verify that the columns are mapped correctly between the Source and Destination tables.


Step Three

Now I can connect each of my Execute SQL Tasks with their corresponding Data Flow tasks. This will ensure that the delete process occurs before the insert process.


Step Four

The first time I built this process, I had all the statements connected in one big line. This made the processing an asynchronous process. I then learned that I could have multiple processes happening at the same time. But what if I have one last process that needs to occur after all other processes are finished? This is where the awesome Sequence Container comes into play. By placing all my Delete/Insert processes into the Sequence container, I can have them run synchronously, and still have a final process occur after they have all completed.

Step Five

Finally, I need to clean up after myself. Since I did some deleting and inserting, I want to make sure that my brand new SQLite database is as small as possible. SQLite has a command called VACUUM. This command rebuilds the database to remove any fragmentation caused by CUD operations. To run the VACUUM command, I use another Execute SQL Task. I set it up like I did in step one, with the SQL Statement set to “VACUUM;”.

Now I have three processes that occur synchronously and one process that happens after the first three are completed.


Step 6

Run the package. If I’m only making this “new” master copy of the database for development, then I might just run the package from Visual Studio on an as needed basis. If I want this to be an automated process, then I can set the package up on SQL Server to run on a schedule.

But Wait, There’s More

My example here was for populating a new SQLite database with master data from SQL Server. I could use this same process for creating a subset of data for testing needs or for creating new SQL Server databases that need to be deployed in new environments.

Don’t Stop Yet

Don’t forget to check out these blog posts by the rest of the SQL CoOp team on the subject of SSIS:

To follow our quest for SQL knowledge through this collaborative project, follow the #SQLCoOp tag on Twitter.

See you next time!!

On a SQL Collaboration Quest

Four SQL professionals gathered from the four corners of the world to share their SQL knowledge with each other and with their readers: Mickey Stuewe from California, USA, Chris Yates from Kentucky, USA, Julie Koesmarno from Canberra, Australia, and Jeffrey Verheul from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. They invite you to join them on their quest as they ask each other questions and seek out the answers in this collaborative blog series. Along the way, they will also include other SQL professionals to join in the collaboration.

Original Post: On a SQL Collaboration Quest

T-SQL Tuesday #57 – SQL Family to the Rescue of a Local Community

My good friend Jeffrey Verheul(b|t) is hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday blog party. The party was started by Adam Machanic (b|t) in December of 2009. This month’s invitation is on the topic of SQL Family and Community.

I was very happy to see this topic this month since I just had an amazing SQL Family kind of day a week ago and this is the perfect venue to share it.

The Community

The beginning of this year I took a leap of faith and started a local PASS chapter focusing on BI in Irvine, CA. It’s called BIG PASS Community. I’ve been slowly growing the group steadily each month. I have a hand full of people who come every month and we usually have 1 or 2 new people as well. A couple of months ago, I was approached by a SQL Family member, Rob Hatton, who was a recent transplant from Florida. He wanted to help with my new community, so now we are co-leaders.

Before each meeting, we eat dinner together in the kitchen at our venue so that we can get to know each other better and network. Not only is our venue really nice, but Rosalyn, who is a Sales Rep there and stays late for us, is a wonderful hostess. She helps promote our meetings and helps take care of little details. We’re really blessed to have her.

The phone rang on a Friday afternoon

Rosalyn often calls me before our meetings to find out who our latest speaker is and if they will be presenting locally or not, so I wasn’t surprised to receive a phone call from her. This time she had some bad news for us. She had decided to leave the company to pursue a new opportunity, but she couldn’t find another person to host us in the evenings at their facility. We were now without a venue.

I was really worried about loosing our venue since I’ve seen other user groups unable to meet for months until a new location was found. Our group also doesn’t have any financial resources to pay for a venue either. What was a girl to do?

Twenty-four hours

I spoke with my co-leader about the situation and we developed a plan. We would change the next meeting to a networking event at a restaurant. That would allow us to still have a meeting and give us a month to find a new venue. I sent out emails late Sunday night to our community members letting them know what had happened and the new schedule for our next meeting.

Monday morning I received an email from David, who is one of our community members, “We have a classroom at work. Do you want me to see if we can use it?” I replied, “YES!” He kept updating me throughout the day with his progress on getting approval. Then I received an email from another community member named Ted. “We can use our classroom at work. We also have a nice break room for our dinners together.” We now had a venueand a potential backup venue.

This is a perfect example of the heart of SQL Family. They step in when someone needs help and lend a hand.

Building relationships

I want to share with you how I met each of the people I mentioned above.

In the spring of 2013 I was at the after party at the Orange County SQL Saturday. One of my friends wanted to introduce me to someone who recently moved near me. His name was Rob Hatton. I had the wonderful opportunity to get to know him and his lovely wife Barb better that night. We then crossed paths at two other SQL Saturdays over the last year.

Last year, at PASS Summit I helped host the Southern California User Group tables at lunch. I wanted to connect with more people in my area. We had several new people join us for lunch who weren’t aware of the local user groups. Two of those people were David and his co-worker James. We had a great time getting to know each other at lunch and was delighted to see them at many of the evening events where I had the opportunity to speak with them further. When I started the BIG PASS Community user group, they started attending it as well.

This past April was the local SQL Saturday event in Orange County. That was where I met Ted. He attended both of my morning presentation. We crossed paths again at lunch, where we had time to network further. I was able to tell him about the local user groups and encourage him to attend them. I was really happy to see him at the June meeting.

Why am I sharing this with you? Wellto show you how integrated our community is. To show you how the roots travel far. SQL Family connections don’t all start in a classroom or on twitter. They start at lunch tables, Karaoke bars, and walking between presentations.

Thanks for all the fish

Thanks go out to Jeffrey Verheul for hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday blog party. He is one my favorite SQL Family members who I met through my T-SQL Tuesday participation. While seven time zones and a large ocean separate us, technology has allowed us to be friends, co-bloggers, and SQL Family members.

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